
HOMEMADE HERBICIDE: HOW TO MAKE YOURS SAFE? HOMEMADE HERBICIDE, None of us like weeds in our garden. We want what we plant to be what we plant! And weeds will drown the plants in your garden that you really want there, ...

GARDEN GAMES FOR KIDS: 3 EASY DIY PROJECTS GARDEN GAMES FOR KIDS, I love the idea of ​​teaching your children to love the garden. There is no more natural place for them to play and learn. Here are three great ...

GROWING TIPS FOR THE SPRING SALAD GARDEN THE SPRING SALAD GARDEN, Spinach, Swiss chard, and crisp lettuce are easy spring greens to grow. When to plant and soil temperature are the keys to spring gardening. Greens – arugula, beets, cabbages, ...

KNOW THE TYPES OF SOIL FOR YOUR GARDEN To achieve a dream garden or have a well-kept corner of leafy plants, you must know the types of soil, their characteristics, and know which one you need for each plant. The quality ...

What is Achocha: learn about growing Achocha vine plants If you’ve grown cucumbers, watermelons, squash, or other members of the cucurbit family, you’ve probably quickly realized that some numerous pests and diseases could prevent you from getting a bumper crop. ...

How to Grow, Harvest, and Make Homemade Herbal Tea Make Homemade Herbal Tea, The next time you tend the herbs in your garden, consider this: It’s easy and fun to grow, harvest, blend and brew your own herb teas. Teas ...

Sage Plants For Gardens: Learn About The Different Kinds Of Sage Sage Plants For Gardens, For some people, the holidays wouldn’t be good without the traditional sage filling. Although we are more familiar with culinary sage plants, there are many ...

10 HERBS YOU CAN GROW IN CONTAINERS 10 HERBS YOU CAN GROW IN CONTAINERS, Herb growing has become a popular hobby today. Not only are they decorative, but growing herbs yourself gives you a continuous, fresh supply of herbs for ...

5 important differences between growing in a pot or in the ground When we get ready to grow plants, we may wonder if we grow them in a pot or directly in the ground. Although it seems to us that ...

Differences between substrate and soil. The importance of substrates The substrate is a mixture of plant amendments, peat, earth, and sand to get the most out of a plantation. the earth is a natural solid product found in nature. The ...