


Have you heard of the term plantation area? Not sure what it means? When I started gardening years ago, I hadn’t heard of this term. I started noticing it while scrolling the internet to learn how to grow specific plants.

I would also see it mentioned on the local nurseries’ plant packaging, but I had no idea what it meant or how it affected me.

If you feel this way, you are in the right place. I will explain what a planting zone is, what it isn’t, how to understand the hardiness zone map, and much more.

Let’s start!

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What is a plantation area?

Planting zones are illustrated on a map known as the USDA Hardiness Zone Map. It is divided into areas ranging from planting zone 1A to planting zone 13B. These are areas that range in minimum temperatures from -60 degrees Fahrenheit to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

This system was designed for the gardening and agricultural industry. It was a way for companies to demonstrate which plants would perform best in which areas, based on the climate. It is important information for professional landscapers as well as farmers.

However, it moved over to backyard gardeners and made it a lot easier to figure out which plants work best in one’s garden.

The idea is to match the plants and the climates they come from with other similar environments around the map. Understanding which zone you are located in lets you know which plants will grow best in your area and which ones will not.

Also, perennials will function as true perennials, which will have to be treated as annuals. Knowing what planting zone you are in can impact your gardening success tremendously.

What is not a planting area

It is common for people to look at the Resistance Zone Map and assume that it will be divided by region. We commonly perceive that certain states share similar climatic conditions.

This is not the reality. I’ll share more with you in the next section on how the USDA Hardiness Zone Map is determined.

For now, understand that you cannot decide which plant to plant in your area based solely on the region you live in.

It is more accurate to use planting areas because it is measured by climate, which can differ in areas close to each other.

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How to use the USDA Hardiness Zone Map

The USDA Hardiness Zone Map is created by collecting data from news stations across the United States.

Once the data is in, the process begins with determining the average minimum temperature per area. Based on these averages, different zones have been created.

1A is the coldest zone that averages a low temperature of -60 degrees Fahrenheit. 13B is the warmest area, with a low temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

When deciding what to plant in which zone, the plant must thrive in a climate with the lowest temperature.

For example, if you were planting in zone 9A, the plant should survive a minimum temperature of 20 degrees Fahrenheit as a perennial.

However, if I wanted to plant something like an annual, I could check my frost dates and get a time frame for when it would be safe to plant in my zone.

Using the map is simple. You can locate the USDA Hardiness Zone Map and find your location on it. From there, use the colored key to find out what zone you are in.

Or you can use a digital tool to locate planting areas. Enter your zip code, and the planting area will be displayed.

Why is it important to plant zones

> If you’ve ever struggled to start your plants with seeds or have shelled out the money to plant a garden with seedlings that someone else started, you understand why planting areas are important.

Planting a garden is an investment of time and money. If you plant something at the wrong time for your area, you’ve wasted time, money, and effort.

When you understand your zone, you know how big the window of time you have to grow things is. So you know how early or how late you can start growing something.

For example, it is common for people in some parts of Alaska only to have a three-month growing season. Whereas people in zone seven to ten can produce a variety of plants practically all year round.

If you are not sure how to determine which plant grows in which zone and then use a planting schedule based on your area.

This will show you the months to start sowing seeds indoors, when to plant them outdoors, and if they can be grown in your area a second time.

You can also read the packaging in nurseries, where it will read “Hardy up to zone ___” or “Will grow in _____ zone and below during _______ season.”

Planting zones are the beginning of growing a successful garden.

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Other factors that will affect your garden

> Planting areas are essential to your garden, but they are not everything. There are other pieces to the gardening puzzle.

It is important to understand each piece because knowing your area and planting at the right time for your area will not equate to success without these essential elements:

1. Soil quality

Sowing in quality soil is important. You must test the soil’s pH and make sure it is at the right level for the plants in your garden.

Also, be sure to amend your soil with compost and other matter to help make it fluffy and well-draining.

2. Water

Everything needs water. If you don’t have it, you will die. It’s effortless to understand. Well, there are a few more elements to understanding how to water your garden properly.

The general rule of thumb is to give your plants one inch of water per week. Be sure to apply the water in one or two deep watering sessions per week instead of four or five shallow watering sessions during the week.

3. Sunlight

Since everything needs water, everything needs sunlight too. Make sure your garden is in a sunny location with well-drained soil.

It is a good idea to place your garden in a place where it receives at least six hours of sunlight a day. If this is not feasible on your property, consider container gardening where you can move your garden to get adequate sunlight.


4. Regional factors

As I mentioned, the zones may vary in your region. Some states may have two or more zones in just their state.

This results in different temperatures and planting times, but everyone has to deal with certain climatic conditions common to their area.

For example, zone eight is wide. It extends from the east coast of the United States to the west coast.

A person in zone 8 can treat on the east coast; someone on the west coast in zone 8 may not have to treat.

Certain areas of zone 8 are much hotter than others. Some places have to do with hurricanes and tornadoes, while others don’t experience it as much.

If you live in an area where you know it will face scorching temperatures or droughts at some point during the gardening season, you could plan by creating a hugelkultur garden.

These factors can be considered and planned to give your garden the best chance of success.

How to work around the planting areas

> If you live in an area where you have a relatively small window for gardening, there are a few ways around it. Here are your options:

1. Don’t grow certain plants

Some plants take too long to grow in some areas. If you have a growing period of three months and a plant takes more than 100 days to produce, you have lost.

In these cases, you may have to decide that you cannot grow certain crops due to their location. It can be heartbreaking to make this decision, but sometimes it’s not worth the headache to plant something outside your planting zone.

2. Plant perennials as annuals

Some plants do not survive in your planting area because the minimum temperature is too cold.

If you love a specific plant and want it anyway, as long as you’re willing to invest and plant a new one year after year, you can still grow it.

3. Practice alternative growing methods

Your last option is to practice alternative growing methods. Many people in colder places use greenhouses to extend their growing period.

It’s a great way to start your seeds earlier and grow your crops later. Although I don’t live in a freezing area, I use a greenhouse to grow vegetables during the winter to keep frost away from them.

You can also practice gardening with straw bales for earlier planting as you build the garden and the soil each year.

Well, now you know what the USDA Hardiness Zone Map is, how it is determined, how to determine your zone, and much more.

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Hopefully, this will encourage you to dive deeper into the world of gardening and embrace gardening at its finest in your area.