
These are the most resistant, durable and easy to care for indoor plants

If you are one of those people who are always looking for ways to add life and color to spaces and immediately rule out the option of adding plants to your interiors due to the demanding care they require or simply for fear that they will die, let this thought It is no longer an impediment, there is no need to worry because there are plants that are perfect for those inexperienced lovers.

Read on and find out about the incredible plants that do not need much care and are truly resistant and that we are sure will convince you to have them all in your home.

plant in white pot
This is one of the most common plants since its care is so little that you will like to have it in all the places in your house. sarayut Thaneerat / Getty images


The ficus is one of the most common indoor plants to have at home , as it is a very easy plant to care for and maintain, and it is also very long-lived . Within your spaces the ficus brings a lot of nature thanks to its large pointed and arched leaves with its huge branches providing a tropical touch. Its tree shape makes it perfect in a corner of your room, next to the windows, at the foot of the stairs or next to the sofa.

Ficus care: 
  • It is a plant that needs large doses of light, but without it being direct. During the winter it is important that it receives a lot of light.
    Water the plant once a week and every 15 days in cold weather.
  • Avoid watering the roots and do not water your plant with very cold water.
  • Ficuses need a warm and humid environment, so it is advisable to spray their leaves with some frequency, especially in summer.
  • Clean its leaves from time to time so that it can better benefit from the light it receives.
Planta pata de elefante en piso de madera
Add points of very colorful green with this plant that does not require much care. Yobab / Getty images

Elephant foot plant

It is a plant that can reach a meter or meter and a half in height. It is characterized by its thick trunk , similar to an elephant’s foot, it is a perfect plant to decorate your spaces thanks to its thin and long leaves , with a very peculiar curvature, tending to curl completely and create totally spherical leaf heads of one color. very intense green perfect to be the pop of color for your rooms. 

Elephant foot care:
  • It is a plant that requires a lot of light and even admits some direct sun. Try to place it next to a bright window.
  • Water the plant once the top layer has dried, as it is a plant that does not need constant watering.
  • Keep your elephant foot sheltered in cold weather as it cannot withstand very low temperatures.
  • Remove the leaves that are spoiling so that it always looks in very good condition.
Planta crotón en fondo blanco
Fill your spaces with color with this plant that, in addition to being easy to care for, offers a wide variety of leaves. MentalArt/Getty images


This colorful indoor plant is very easy to care for and best of all, it will fill your spaces with its particular and showy color . Its leaves are hard and have color variations that range from yellow and orange to reddish tones.

Croton care: 
  • It is a plant that needs a lot of light, so being next to a window would be ideal.
  • The croton requires always being in warm spaces.
  • This plant needs regular watering, but avoid flooding its roots.
  • Prevent the fall of its colorful leaves by spraying them with warm water from time to time.
Helecho en maceta blanca
Ferns are perfect for your decoration and of course they are very easy to care for and maintain. Geri Lavrov/Getty images


Easy to care for and very decorative , ferns are very resistant and do not require much maintenance, placing them in your spaces will bring a lot of light and life. 

Fern care:
  • They like a lot of light, but avoid direct sunlight
  • Ferns do not support frost or very dry environments, that is why in cold weather keep it hydrated and inside your house.
  • They like humidity, but avoid excessive watering.
  • Spray from time to time so that it always maintains its greenish appearance.
Planta poto el maceta colgante
This plant is ideal to place in a hanging pot so that it can show off its waterfall effect without worrying so much about its care since it is very resistant. Brendan Maher/Getty images


It is one of the most popular indoor plants as it is grateful, agile and a survivor. Since its stems droop it works well in a hanging pot so you can show off its cascading effect. In addition to being a very resistant and easy-to-care-for plant, it brings benefits to your spaces by purifying the air and is also very long-lived.

Potho care:
  • Place it near the light, but try to make it indirect.
  • Your watering should be spaced at least three days apart, make sure to water it as long as your soil is already dry.
  • If the potho has a lot of light it will grow very strongly and will be even more resistant.
Cactus en macetas de barro
They are perfect for being indoors and the best thing is that they do not require much care. Oscar Wong/Getty images


They are plants that accumulate water to adapt to the habitat in which they are found, they are perfect to add to your decoration and do not require much care , which is why they have become the favorites to be inside the house. You can place it in any space in your home, but they stand out in places with light tones such as the kitchen or bathroom, as well as helping to absorb moisture from the air.

Cacti Care:
  • They need several hours of light a day.
  • Its irrigation is moderate. In winter you have to reduce your watering as much as possible, in spring do it every 10 or 12 days and in summer do it every 4 or 8 days.
Plantas crasas con tonos rojizos
Since they are a family of succulents and store water in their leaves, it makes them the ideal indoor plants that do not require much care. undefined undefined / Getty images


The faces are a family of succulents, so they also have water reserves in their leaves, stem or roots. It has great decorative power and adapts perfectly to interiors. These plants stand out for being very resistant and quickly adapting to any environment, which makes them the ideal plants for beginners in gardening.

Succulent care:
  • Succulent plants like to be in the sun, so it is necessary to place it in places where it will receive several hours of light a day.
  • Keep in mind that succulents store water, so they require infrequent watering, check if they need water by inserting a finger into the substrate and if it is dry, water them.
Planta en maceta blanca
In addition to being so beautiful due to its unique leaves, this plant does not need much care, it is perfect for decorating and creating spaces full of life. Kseniâ Solov’eva / EyeEm / Getty images

Adam’s Rib or Monstera 

It is a plant famous for its exuberant perforated leaf and it is a tropical plant that comes from Central America. It is very easy to maintain , but it needs enough space for it to grow abundantly. This plant looks good on shelves and credenzas.

Adam’s Rib Care:
  • It is a very easy plant to care for so placing it in a bright place would be very good
  • Adam’s Rib is not very demanding in terms of watering, in summer try to water it regularly, but without flooding it, remember to let it dry between watering and watering.
  • Despite its large leaves, this plant does not need to be sprayed as it tolerates dry environments very well.
Estancia con palmera de salón
This plant is ideal for the inexperienced, because its care is minimal and you will like to have it in different spaces. Johner ImagesGetty images

lounge palm tree 

The Chadeora Elegans, commonly known as the Parlor Palm, is a perfect plant for the inexperienced. It is characterized by its great resistance and its easy care. Its leaves are long and narrow . It is one of the tallest decorative plants: it can reach up to two meters in height. It adapts to any environment and is very grateful . The living room palm tree is perfect in a corner or next to a sofa.

Parlor Palm Tree Care:
  • Place this plant close to natural light, but away from drafts.
  • The living room palm tree likes humidity and tries to be regular with its watering. Avoid excess water as it could be harmful.
  • It does not like drafts or heat sources such as heating.
Planta calathea en maceta color blanco
One of the favorite plants because the colors that its leaves have make the spaces look alive and with a very beautiful green color. sarayut Thaneerat / Getty images


It is one of the favorites for its leaves since the upper part is bluish green, while the lower part is violet. Its leaves unfold during the day and roll up again at night.

Calathea Care:
  • It does not support very low temperatures and appreciates exposure to moderate and indirect light.
  • They like humidity so their watering must be constant.
  • It is recommended to spray them regularly or you can place a plate with water under the pot.
Plantas de interior
This plant is perfect to add to your interiors because despite the fact that its maintenance is almost zero, it makes your spaces have a clean air. Jasenka Arbanas/Getty images

Dracaena or Dracaena 

It is a very popular plant, because it is elegant and robust at the same time. Its fine green leaves are ideal for elevating the decoration of your spaces, in addition to also filtering pollution gases, making your spaces have clean and healthy air.

Dracaena care:
  • The dracaena supports all light conditions, it grows equally near the window with a lot of light or in the least illuminated corners.
  • The secret of this plant is not to water it excessively, since it does not need a lot of water.
Palo de Brasil como decoración
Brazilwood blooms twice a year. Farhad Ibrahimzade/Getty images


It is characterized by the different shades of green of its leaves. It absorbs moisture from the environment to clean the air , it offers many benefits for health and well-being, Brazilwood is one of the most beautiful and easy to care for tropical plants.

Brazilwood care:
  • Place it in a place where it receives natural light without exposing it to direct sunlight.
  • It likes to be in temperatures between 20° and 25° C so that it grows well.
  • Brazilwood should be watered two or three times a week.
Planta sansevieria en cesto
This is one of the plants that should not be missing in your house since it is very resistant and easy to care for, it is a basic in the plants that yes or yes you must have. Cavan Images/Getty images


This is one of the plants that cannot be missing in your interiors if you are entering this world. It is a very resistant indoor plant and born survivor for any space, as it withstands both high and low temperatures and is very resistant to pests. In addition to being a decorative plant, due to its beautiful green color, it is perfect for eliminating toxins from the air.

Sansevieria Care:
  • Place this plant in places where it can receive a lot of light.
  • Keep your plant vigorous by avoiding excessive watering and only water it when the soil is dry.
Planta del dinero
It is one of the easiest plants to maintain and also offers a fresh and attractive effect for your spaces. seven75 / Getty images

money plant

It is a very striking plant due to its fleshy, oval-shaped leaves, jagged edges and a bright green color. It is one of the easiest plants to maintain and offers a fresh and very attractive effect.

Money Plant Care:
  • It loves light just don’t expose it to direct sun.
  • Its ideal temperature is 20 °.
  • It does not need much watering: in summer it is enough once a week and in winter every two.
Aloe vera en maceta blanca y fondo blanco
In addition to having little care to keep it in good condition, this plant provides healing properties that make it a necessary plant to have at home. Andrea Donetti/EyeEm/Getty images

aloe vera

This plant is well known for its healing properties , so the best place to have it is in the kitchen if it is very bright. Add a touch of color and life with this perfect plant to place in spaces with soft tones.

Aloe vera care:
  • Place it in a place where it can receive light all day, but make sure it is not direct.
  • Be constant with your irrigations without flooding it.
Planta jade en maceta color caf
It is a plant that will last a long time despite the little care it requires. Andrei Lavrinov/Getty images

jade plant 

It grows slowly and is very long -lived , is known to symbolize good luck and is easy to maintain. Being part of the succulent family, you do not need to pay much attention to it.

Jade Plant Care:
  • It does not require a lot of water, it is recommended that you water it every 15 days, avoid that the water makes contact with the leaves.
  • This plant needs to be in a lighted space without direct contact with the sun’s rays.
Lengua de suegra en estancia
This plant, in addition to being of little care, helps to keep the air clean, purifying the atmosphere of your spaces. Oscar Wong/Getty images

mother in law tongue

It is very famous because it releases oxygen at night and helps purify the environment, which is why many people place it in the bedroom. Sansevieria has upright, firm leaves that are 50 cm long and can reach 130 cm. 

Mother-in-law tongue care:
  • Place it in places that receive light, but that do not directly impact its leaves
  • Check if their land is close so you can water it.
  • Make sure to keep the plant away from drafts.
Cuna de Moiss en la ventana
This plant, in addition to providing a lot of decorative value to your spaces, helps to purify the air. Helin Loik-Tomson/Getty images

Cradle of Moses 

Also known as the Peace Lily, it is characterized by its bright green leaves and its white flowers that bloom throughout the year. Purifies the air as it filters and retains toxic particles.

Care of the Quan of Moses:
  • It needs light, make sure it is indirect.
  • Its watering is once a week.
Planta color rojo
A very colorful plant ideal for your interiors and that, in addition, the care to keep it so beautiful is so few and easy. Rng Ti Lng Xiao Ying / EyeEm / Getty images

Red Anthurium

This plant is very beautiful, striking and showy , it is one of the indoor plants that is continually blooming, its beauty stands out for its heart-shaped leaves , it is ideal for those who enjoy low-maintenance plants .

Red Atrium Care:
  • It should be in a lighted area, avoiding direct sunlight
  • This plant does not tolerate excessive watering, so once or twice a week will be more than enough.
Suculentas en macetas blancas
Due to their different colors and species, succulents are everyone’s favorite indoor plants, and even more so knowing that their care is very practical and few. paulynn/Getty images


They are everyone’s favorites and their variety of shapes and colors make them the perfect plants to decorate your spaces, as they bring life and create a very welcoming atmosphere, as well as being easy to maintain.

Succulent care:
  • Succulents love light, so it is ideal to leave them near windows, make sure they are not in direct contact with the sun.
  • These plants are capable of storing water, so their watering should be very sporadic, to avoid excesses, choose to place it in a pot with drainage.