
How To Grow Tomatoes Unlimited With Just 4 Slices

Grow tomatoes
Grow tomatoes

How To Grow Tomatoes Unlimited With Just 4 Slices

Growing tomatoes is extremely easy. Besides, it is a very delicious and nutritious fruit. With just a few slices, you can create a beautiful and fruitful plant to make your salads. Did you know that only four pieces of this fruit are enough to make a plant that supplies you with it? The process is inexpensive and not complex at all: we tell you how to grow tomatoes in an unlimited way.

In addition to being an essential ingredient in many recipes, the tomato is a fruit —because it is the part of the plant that contains the seeds— with endless beneficial properties for the body. Among them, we can list its important contribution of vitamins A, K, and C, and minerals such as iron and potassium.

Likewise, it also stands out for containing fiber, making it effective against constipation, and a natural diuretic. Its positive consequences for blood circulation and skin maintenance cannot be ignored.

Due to its indisputable uses and advantages, the tomato is one of the fruits – many consider it a vegetable for the help given to it – most valued worldwide. If you agree with this notion, indeed, you are interested in knowing how to grow tomatoes in an unlimited way with just a few slices.

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How to grow tomatoes in an unlimited way

By cutting only four tomato slices, you can get a homemade plantation of this fruit with a meager investment. Do you want to know more?


The first thing you have to do is, of course, fill a large pot with soil. Next, cut four thin slices from tomato and place them directly on the ground, preferably separated from each other. In this way, you ensure that all the seeds come into contact with the environment.

Before continuing, we leave you a beneficial recommendation: avoid wasting food; you can take a tomato that is too ripe or even one in bad condition. This does not affect the achievement of a healthy plant, which is what we are looking for here.

Next, you must pour another layer of soil over the tomato slices. It should not be too thick since we want the seedlings to sprout after a while.

Precisely, this growth should begin to show itself after a few weeks from sowing. From there, all that remains is to transplant the most growing seedlings into a separate pot or directly into the ground. The goal is that they do not compete for nutrients with less healthy plants.

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Care required by tomato

From the moment we saw it, the tomato plant needs daily watering, especially at the beginning and during its growth. Logically, we must prevent the plant from wilting.

The transplant was also carried out when the first seedlings sprout is extremely important; tomato roots require a lot of room to expand.

On the other hand, remember that these crops need sunlight to grow healthy. Therefore, please place them in the brightest place in your garden.

As for the substrate, we must have a good organic one to meet our growing tomatoes’ goal in an unlimited way. Nitrogen is a fundamental nutrient for this type of crops; some ways to add it are as follows:

  • Add composted manure.
  • With coffee grounds or fixing plants such as beans.
  • Remove the top layer of soil and add worm castings.

Ultimately, it is worth noting the need for tomato plants to receive sunlight. For this reason, it is not the best idea to cover the ground with a mattress of leaves from other plants, as is usually done.

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If you decide to do it anyway, as it is handy to conserve moisture and prevent plant disease, do it after the soil has received a good dose of sun.

Advantages of growing tomato at home

Growing tomatoes in an unlimited way can be an activity that, in addition to being an excellent introduction to the world of gardening, can help the whole family to have a healthy and balanced diet. As we already said, it is a very nutritious fruit.

Economic factors also arise from growing tomatoes at home: especially in winter, this fruit usually fetches very high prices. So what better than to get them free from our own garden, even without having invested almost nothing for its sowing.

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Finally, it can also become a great hobby and a way to teach children values ​​such as responsibility, the value of saving, and how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Everywhere you look at it, growing tomatoes unlimitedly at home brings benefits.