


Winter squashes grow best in air temperatures that range from 50 ° to 90 ° F. This is the Dulce Dulce pumpkin. Winter squash is a warm-weather, frost-sensitive annual plant. Winter squash grows to maturity on the vine until the skin is callous (unlike summer squash that is harvested while the skin is still tender). Popular winter squashes include Hubbard, butternut, acorn, luscious, banana, Turk’s turban, cushaw, and spaghetti squash.

Sow winter squash seeds in the garden – or plant seedlings indoors – only after the soil has warmed to at least 60 ° F, usually no earlier than 3 weeks after the last frost in spring. Winter squash grows best in air temperatures that range from 50 ° to 90 ° F; established fruit will ripen in temperatures as high as 100 ° F, but flowers will drop in hot temperatures. Winter squash requires 60 to 110 days to reach harvest.

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Site: Plant pumpkins in full sun. Grow squash in loose, well-drained soils rich in organic matter. Prepare planting beds in advance by working on plenty of aged compost. Add stale manure to planting beds in the fall before growing pumpkins. Pumpkin prefers a soil pH of 5.5 to 6.8. Winter squash will spread and require ample space; if space is tight, train them on a small A-frame or trellis up to 1.5 to 2.5 meters high.

Planting time. Winter squash are warm-season annuals, sensitive to frost. Sow pumpkin seeds in the garden – or place the seedlings indoors – only after the soil has warmed to at least 60 ° F, usually no earlier than 3 weeks after the last frost in spring. Start pumpkins indoors as early as 4 weeks before the last average frost date in spring. Sow the seeds indoors in biodegradable peat or paper pots that can be placed directly in the garden not to disturb or shake the plants’ roots. Winter squash grows best in air temperatures that range from 50 ° to 90 ° F; established fruit will ripen in temperatures as high as 100 ° F, but flowers will drop in hot temperatures.

Planting and spacing

Sow pumpkin seeds 2 to 3 inches deep. Sow squash on hills or inverted hills, 4 to 5 seeds 3 to 4 inches apart; thin to the two strongest seedlings. Space the hills 6 to 8 feet apart. In rows, plant 2 pumpkin seeds 10 inches apart in rows 3 to 5 feet apart; Successful, fine seedlings in rows 3 feet apart. Fine seedlings by cutting weak seedlings at ground level with scissors to not disturb the fragile roots. Hills or mounds should be between 6 and 12 inches high and 20 inches wide. This will allow the plants to move down the hill and away from the main stem. Inverted hills, which are used to retain moisture in dry regions, can be made by removing one inch of soil from an area about 20 inches wide, using the soil to form a ring or circle. Plant 4-5 seeds on each inverted hill. Winter squash can be caged or trained on a fence or trellis. Put supports in place at planting time.

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Water and food. Pumpkin grows best in soil that is kept evenly moist. Pumpkins require a lot of water in hot weather. Plants can wilt on hot days as they use water faster than the roots can supply. As long as the water is applied regularly and deeply, the wilted plants will perk up as the day cools down. Squash that wilts in the morning need water right away. Add aged compost to planting beds before planting and set pumpkins on their side with aged compost mid-season. Squash with compost tea every 2 to 3 weeks during the growing season. Avoid feeding the squash a high nitrogen fertilizer. 5-10-10 is best.

Associated plants

Nasturtiums, peas, beans. Avoid planting summer squash in the shade of taller plants.

Watch out. The squash has separate male and female flowers. The first flowers to appear are male flowers that do not produce fruit. The female flowers appear a little later and are pollinated by the male flowers, commonly with insects’ help. If pollination is slow or does not occur, use a soft bristle brush to dust inside a male flower and then carefully clean the inside of a female flower (a female flower will have immature fruit on its stem, a male will not).

Once the fruits are formed, they are placed on a wooden board not to contact the ground directly; This will allow the pumpkins to ripen with less exposure to insects.

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Container cultivation. Shrub-type winter squash can be grown in containers, but the season is long. Sow 2-3 seeds in the center of a 10-inch container, from finest to strongest, once plants are 3 to 4 inches tall. Extend the growing season by planting early and moving the pots indoors when frost threatens. Put a cage or trellis in place to save space.

Pests Squash can be attacked by bed bugs, squash borers, and cucumber beetles. Remove beetles with a hand picker or hose. A small hole in the stem or unexplained wilt can indicate holes’ presence. Cut the stem, remove the drills and discard. Cover the cut stem with soil to encourage root development from there.

Squash borers or bacterial wilt can cause squash plants to wilt and die just as they begin to produce suddenly. Cucumber beetles can spread bacterial wilt to squash, while cucumber beetles pick and destroy it by hand.

Diseases Pumpkins are susceptible to bacterial wilt, mosaic virus, and mold—plant disease-resistant varieties. Keep the yard clean and free of debris where diseases and pests can harbor. Water the plants’ base to keep water off the foliage, and do not handle the plants when wet to avoid the spread of fungal spores. Kill and destroy infected plants before they spread the disease to healthy plants.

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Powdery mildew, a fungal disease, will turn leaves grayish-white at the end of the season. Proper spacing and increased air circulation will help reduce this problem.

The mosaic virus can cause squash plants to turn mottled yellow and stunted. The mosaic virus spreads through aphids. Control aphids and eliminate affected plants.

Flower end rot will cause the pumpkin fruit to rot from the flower end. Fluctuations in soil moisture cause final flower rot. Water evenly and regularly and mulch around plants to conserve soil moisture.

Harvest Winter squashes are ready for harvest 60 to 110 days after planting when the skins are full of color and firm (some acorn squash can be green and have semi-hard skins). Winter squash should be allowed to ripen on the vine fully. If the bark cannot be dented with your thumbnail, it is ready for harvest. Complete the harvest before the first frost. The stems and vines will be tough and dry at harvest time. Cut squash from vine leaving 2 to 3 inches of stem above fruit, allowing the squash to store longer. Use a knife, pruning shears, or pruner to cut thick stems. Keep pruners clean, so you don’t spread the disease to other plants.

Storage and conservation

Winter squash require curing before being stored. Cure pumpkins in the sun for a week or more or place in a dark, humid place for 10 days at 80 ° to 85 ° F. After curing, store winter squash at 50 ° to 60 ° F in a dry, dark place. Winter squash keeps for 5 to 6 months. Winter squash with smooth skin will likely rot in storage; These pumpkins should be cooked immediately. Please do not wash the pumpkins until you are ready to use them. Cooked pumpkin can be frozen, canned, pickled, or dried.