



Do you grow basil in your herb garden? If you care for your basil properly, you will probably end up with more than you can use while it is fresh. But what do you do with it when you have too much? You can dry your basil without problems.

However, some people prefer to freeze it. There are multiple methods, and it is a convenient option to ensure basil is available when needed.

So if you are interested in knowing how to harvest and freeze your basil properly, this is what you need to know:

How to harvest basil

The correct harvesting of basil is an important step for its cultivation. It is important to continuously harvest the basil, which encourages the plant to produce more.

If you aren’t getting as much basil, it’s probably because you’re not harvesting (or pruning) enough to stimulate new growth.

This is how basil is harvested correctly:

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1. Harvest in small quantities

Harvesting basil in small quantities is easy. When you’re cooking and decide that basil would go well with your recipe, you pluck as many basil leaves as you like.

Note that entire stems are not cut off the plant when harvesting small amounts. It is also a good idea when collecting small amounts to cut off the plant’s branches’ tips as they are collected.

By cutting the tips of the stems, it favors fuller growth. Your basil plants should start to grow wider rather than vertical.

Also, if you see flowers or buds on the basil, trim the buds, which will allow the plant to reset its internal clock and act younger. Therefore, it will stop trying to produce seeds and will produce more basil leaves.

2. Harvest in large quantities

You should prune your basil plants regularly. Pruning will prevent the plant from sprouting. Also, the more frequently they are pruned and harvested, the younger the leaves that are being collected.

Younger leaves taste better and are more tender. A general rule of thumb is for every five-leaf stalks, start at the second leaf tier and cut thereafter.

When harvesting larger basil crops, harvest from the top of the plant down. It is normal to cut 1/3 of the plant during harvest.

Don’t worry when you see how much of the plant you’ve cut down. It will grow back and be ready to harvest again in about two to three weeks.

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3. Harvest at the end of the growing season

Basil plants are annuals. Therefore, you must replant them every year because they do not overwinter well.

Before the first frost in fall, harvest the entire plant with this in mind. Cut all the stems from the plant until you reach the ground.

Once all the stems have been removed, it is time to remove the leaves from the stems. When the stalks are empty, toss them into your compost pile.

The leaves can be used for cooking or to preserve for later use.

8 Methods to Freeze Basil

Freezing basil is an excellent method because it is so easy. I am going to share eight different ways with you on how to preserve basil, and you choose the process that best suits your needs. Here are the methods for freezing basil:

1. Flash Freeze

> Flash freezing is an easy method of freezing basil because it has few steps and requires little effort. You will begin the process by washing the basil leaves with cold water.

Make sure to dry the leaves well. It’s best to use a salad spinner to get the water out of them.

When the leaves are dry, place them on a single layer’s baking sheet. Put them in your freezer for 24 hours. They should be frozen when removed.

After 24 hours, remove the leaves from the freezer and place the basil in a freezer bag for long-term storage.

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2. Inside a paper towel

For our next method, you will start by washing the basil leaves in cold water. Dry the basil leaves well before continuing with the process.

When the leaves are dry, place a single layer of leaves on a paper towel. You will roll the paper towel with the basil leaves inside. The paper towel will absorb any moisture that the basil leaves may have.

Place the paper towel with the basil leaves in the freezer bag. Make sure to get as much air out as possible before placing it in the freezer.

3. Integer

Preserving basil leaves is an easy method because it requires little to no preparation. You’ll begin the process by putting water in a pot and putting it on the stove to boil.

While waiting for the water to boil, wash and dry the basil leaves. Place the basil leaves in a colander or keep a slotted spoon on hand for frothing.

Next, prepare an ice bath. You will need a large bowl filled with ice and cold water. When everything is in place, it’s time to get to work.

This process needs to move quickly, so it must be established before you begin. Place the basil in the boiling water for two to five seconds.

Take the basil out of the water and put it in the ice bath to cool for a minute or two. When the basil has completely cooled, dry the leaves thoroughly.

Finally, place the basil in a freezer bag or container with parchment paper layers. It is essential to place a parchment paper layer between each layer of basil to prevent it from turning into a frozen dough.

Make sure to store the basil in the freezer. If you are concerned that the basil is still frozen in chunks, before freezing it in a bag, place the basil on a baking sheet and freeze it in the blink of an eye for 24 hours.

From there, place the basil in a parchment paper layered freezer bag and store it on a flat surface.


4. In a mason jar

Begin this method by washing and drying the basil leaves thoroughly. Coarsely chop the basil to make it smaller and workable in a 4-ounce jar.

Mix the chopped basil in olive oil. For each basil cup, mix one tablespoon of olive in the bowl.

When the basil is coated in oil, you are ready to prepare the containers—line jelly-sized mason jars with parchment paper.

Add the basil to the jars and cover. Place the jars in the freezer. It is essential to line the jars with parchment paper to facilitate the basil’s extraction when it is ready to use.

5. Unbleached

For this method, start by washing and drying the basil leaves. Place a layer of parchment paper inside a freezer bag. Place the basil leaves in the bag.

Add layers of parchment paper as needed to separate the basil leaves. Remove excess air from the bag and store it flat to prevent the basil from sticking in the freezer.

6. Puree

This process requires a puree to be made. You will start by removing all the basil leaves from the stems. Wash and dry the leaves.

Place the basil in a food processor and mix one tablespoon of olive oil in the food processor for each cup of basil.

When the puree is complete, place the exact amounts on ice cube trays. Let the puree freeze on the trays.

Once the puree is frozen, remove it from the ice cube trays and place it in a freezer bag for storage.

7. Food saver

If you’re tired of pressing down on freezer bags in hopes of getting enough air out, this method might be for you. Follow any of the techniques above that you prefer that end in the basil placed in a freezer bag.

However, instead of putting the basil in a freezer bag, put it in a Food Saver bag. Place the bag in the Food Saver to draw in the air.

This should help ensure that the freeze burn doesn’t get onto the basil because some air was accidentally left in the bag.

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8. Freeze in ice trays

Our last method of preserving basil in the freezer is to use ice cube trays. Begin this method by washing and drying the basil leaves.

From there, cut the leaves coarsely. They need to be small enough to fit in an ice cube tray.

When this is done, divide the basil into ice cubes. Pour vegetable broth, bone broth, chicken broth, any other favorite broth, or water over the basil.

If you have ice cube trays with lids, place the lid on the tray and freeze it. If your trays don’t have covers, freeze the basil.

When the basil is frozen, remove it from the trays and store it in a freezer bag for long-term storage.

Well, now you know how to harvest your basil at each stage of its growth, and you also know about eight different methods of freezing your basil for long-term storage.

Read Also: Ideal organic fertilizer for vegetables and fine herbs

Hopefully, this will allow you to enjoy your basil year-round and increase your basil harvest STORE BASIL.