
How to make fertilizer at home?

How to make fertilizer at home
How to make fertilizer at home

How to make fertilizer at home?

How to make fertilizer at home? For those interested in starting to produce their own food, grow flowers, have medicinal plants, and others in the garden, Infocampo brings you how to create various homemade fertilizers in a natural and very cheap way.

Organic fertilizers have the following advantages :

  • They allow taking advantage of organic waste.
  • They increase the microbial activity of the soil.
  • And recover the organic matter from the soil, favoring the retention of nutrients and allow the fixation
    of carbon in the soil and improving the capacity to absorb water.
  • They tend to need less energy to make.


But they also have some disadvantages, such as:

  • They can be sources of pathogens if not properly treated.
How to make fertilizer at home
How to make fertilizer at home

Currently, organic fertilizers are increasing due to the demand for organic and healthy food for human consumption and raising awareness about the care of the ecosystem and the environment.


It is one of the cheapest fertilizers. It can be bought or obtained from animals. They ensure that feces have a high nitrogen content and can be used directly on the ground.

Earthworm humus

It is one of the best fertilizers that we can add to our plants, and it is very economical since only California worms need to be obtained.

Banana tea

It serves to provide the potassium that plants need. Many crops are interested in this contribution of potassium, such as carrots, beans, and many more.

It is also widespread in the flowering season to apply this tea, precisely when the plant needs more potassium to flourish.

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Fertilization with cut grass

They ensure that freshly cut grass can be used, as it decomposes quickly, to enrich the soil with nutrients.

It consists of filling a 20-liter container with grass clippings or even weeds. Add water and let it steep for a day or two. Then dilute by mixing a cup of liquid herb with 10 cups of water and applying it on the plants’ base.

Fertilization with coffee beans

An excellent alternative to using coffee waste. It acts as a source of nitrogen for the soil and is rich in antioxidants. It consists of adding the grains for composting or sprinkling directly on the ground.


They have a double benefit: in chunks or ground. Crushed, sprinkle the powder at the base of the plants or in blocks, creating a kind of ring at the plant’s base: this barrier can keep them from snails and some caterpillars.

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Wood ash

Wood ash is rich in potassium and phosphorus. Its preparation is straightforward, and it only consists of collecting the ash from the burned wood and diluting it in water.