
Know all the garden tasks to do in February

garden tasks February
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At site gardening, we always want all your spaces to look beautiful and healthy, that’s why we shouldn’t miss out on gardening tasks in February. Winter will soon end, and we must prepare for the arrival of spring; that is why it is better to keep the work of our lawn, fruit trees, flowers, and other plants in the garden up to date. In this way, we will tell you what you should do this month so that your garden continues to look as spectacular as ever.

What are garden tasks in February indispensable on our lawn?

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During this month, according to our schedule of work for the lawn, it is the optimal time to correct the pH of the soil. If we find that it is too acidic, it is advisable to apply a lime-based amendment.

Work to be done on our flowers

.For rose bushes, it is advisable to do pruning within the garden tasks in February. In this way, we will stimulate growth.

This month, we can also sow flowers such as Coreopsis, Scabiosa, Flax, Iberis, Gypsophila, and Lupino.

Fruit trees and garden chores in February

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For fruit trees, it is recommended to also do a training pruning, during this month. We can plant trees such as Kiwi, Acerolo, Jujube, Kaky fuyu, Olivo, Nogal and Níspero and citrus can be collected.

Vegetables and aromatics that we can sow this month

Know all the garden tasks to do in February
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We can make seedbeds as one of our garden tasks in February, anticipating the spring plantings for many aromatic species. However, we can sow those resistant to cold and adapt easily at any time of the year. They are between them:

  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Rucula
  • Pea
  • Asparagus
  • Bean
  • Radish

Other garden tasks in February

Know all the garden tasks to do in February
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This month is good to anticipate fertilization and prevent the appearance of pests and diseases. So if you have taken advantage of the winter to classify waste and compost, this is the time to apply it. We can also contribute to phosphorus and potassium for those plants that we will harvest in spring; this will help their fruits grow better.

The health of the orchard and garden is linked to the care we have about it. Therefore the importance of organizing ourselves in the tasks we do every month. At site gardening, we know it, and that is why we have shared all the information so that doing so is much easier for you.